A promise to the planet
Safety and Sustainability at Chemtrade
As a manufacturer and distributor of chemical products, health, safety, and environmental protection are among our highest priorities. Our Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG), and Responsible Care® initiatives form the foundation of a company-wide commitment to sustainability.

Environmental, Social & Governance
Chemtrade’s ESG mandate is reflected in virtually every system, process and facility throughout the organization. And, every level of management and employee shares responsibility in ESG strategies, principles and initiatives.
ESG by the letter:

E = Environmental
From Process to Progress: Tracking Our Environmental Efforts
The efforts we make to minimize environmental impact and safeguard the processes and systems we use in manufacturing, transporting, and storing our products, reflect our commitment to ESG principles. The key areas we monitor include greenhouse gas (GHG) and other air emissions, industrial and hazardous waste, and energy management. Training, monitoring, measuring and managing are all aspects of Chemtrade’s efforts towards delivering our products in a sustainable, responsible manner. Read More
2023 Sustainability Supplement
Our environmental efforts are ongoing and always growing. For a review of current and upcoming initiatives, please review our Sustainability Supplement PDF download.
GHG – Greenhouse Gas & Other Air Emissions
For the effects they have on climate change, public health, and sensitive ecosystems, we monitor, measure and manage our GHG output. To reduce our impact, we look to improve efficiency in manufacturing and transportation, monitor and maintain our production facilities, and utilize emissions control equipment.
As a clean fuel option, Hydrogen offers many benefits: it is easily stored energy dense and produces no pollutants when consumed as fuel. Hydrogen is a by-product produced at many of our facilities
Chemtrade is currently pursuing a green hydrogen strategy, we use our own hydrogen to fuel boilers and combustion equipment, reducing our demand for natural gas which in turn reduces our carbon footprint. In addition we are testing and evaluating options for the resale market of excess unused vented hydrogen.
Industrial & Hazardous Waste Management
Industrial and Hazardous wastes are essentially by-products of our production processes. We use strategies to minimize, repurpose or contain waste to lessen our impact on the environment and the communities we operate in.
For more information on Chemtrade’s efforts in hazardous waste management, please review our 2023 Sustainability Supplement.
Chemtrade is committed to the beneficial reuse of waste.
Energy Management
Our EC sites are large consumers of energy and are powered by renewable hydroelectric energy sources. In addition, natural gas is a major source of energy used in our facilities. We work to reduce energy consumption overall, through efficient operation and use of renewable, self-generated fuel sources wherever possible.
96% of the electricity used by Chemtrade in 2020 came from renewable hydroelectric sources.

S = Social
“Social” represents our responsibility to Chemtrade employees and the communities we serve. Some of the many ways in which our Social initiatives are demonstrated throughout the organization include our health & safety programs and protocols; our process safety, emergency preparedness and response processes; our employee engagement and development programs; and our organization-wide commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In addition, Chemtrade’s many community outreach programs and charitable initiatives are designed to help us understand and support the concerns of the communities we operate in. Read More
Health & Safety Programs
The safety and health of our employees, contractors, customers and visitors are top priorities at Chemtrade. We manufacture hazardous, but essential products, often in demanding conditions, and we ensure those who work in our facilities are well trained and can carry out their work safely.
Safety by Choice, Not by Chance – Our Safety Philosophy
- We believe that all workplace injuries are preventable. We work towards an injury-free work environment through comprehensive, ongoing training, the utilization of advanced equipment and systems, and by instilling the right mindset and behaviours throughout the organization.
- Leaders in our organization are called upon to inspire a culture in which all employees are absolutely committed to working safely and are encouraged to freely express ideas and concerns so that issues can be addressed immediately, and improvements made continuously.
- All employees must have the knowledge, skills, training, tools, and equipment to work safely, and feel accountable for their personal safety, as well as that of their coworkers, including contractors, customers and visitors. This accountability requires the reporting of incidents and concerns to leadership and EHS resources.
- All employees and contractors must follow our Life Critical Safety Rules which we provide to supplement existing company safety management systems, programs and policies. These rules have been implemented to ensure basic safety behaviours are followed and to help prevent incidents that could result in serious injuries or fatalities on our sites.
Life Critical Safety Rules
- Responsible Care® is the set of principles that guide our safety planning and initiatives.
- Our EHS Management system consists of policies, standards and procedures and defines how we measure our safety performance.
- Workplace health & safety objectives are set annually, both at a corporate level and for each of our facilities.
- All incidents are reviewed, and those that result in, or could have resulted in, serious injuries or facility/equipment damage are fully investigated to determine cause. Then, as appropriate, preventive measures are implemented and shared across the organization.
- Our track record and progress are monitored against objectives using health & safety metrics including both leading indicators (proactive field observations, inspections, hazard analysis) and lagging indicators (serious incidents, recordable injuries, incidents with the potential to be serious; injury rates; first aid incidents; and near-miss events)
- Please see our Sustainability Supplement for more details and information.
Process Safety & Risk Management
Operational Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Response
As an industrial manufacturer, process safety and risk management are important components of Chemtrade’s commitment to our employees and the communities we work in.
Process safety is both a regulatory requirement in the US and a mandate of our Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) membership. But more than that, it is the right way to approach our business and an important part of Chemtrade’s culture.

We apply a multifaceted approach to process safety, critical to the management of hazardous materials, which is implemented across all Chemtrade facilities that meet PSM requirements. This process ensures the necessary operational controls and safeguards are in place to maintain a healthy workplace and avoid unwanted releases into the environment.
In addition to safety and sustainability benefits, effective process safety management offers additional benefits including enhanced product quality, production efficiency, and reduced downtime.
Emergency Preparedness
For the safety of the communities we work in, Chemtrade facilities have robust Emergency Preparedness measures in place. Trained Emergency Response Teams (on-site and off-site), strong relationships with community first responders, 24-hour readiness and comprehensive procedures are available should we encounter an emergency related to our products or facilities.

- Emergency Response Teams and third-party resources are available to handle emergencies 24-hours a day.
- Facility-based teams are made up of employees from various departments – Safety, Production, Maintenance, Supply Chain, Engineering, and Logistics.
- Teams participate in training sessions at the facilities and in coordinated exercises with other emergency responders (Hazmat, Fire, and Police); and with customers and carriers within the facility’s region.
- Technical Support Personnel and Emergency Response Vehicles equipped for chemical emergencies are strategically stationed.
- Chemtrade participates in a Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) and American Chemistry Council (ACC) initiative called TRANSCAER® – Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency Response.
- TRANSCAER® is a voluntary outreach effort to assist communities that have major transportation routes within their jurisdiction.
- TRANSCAER® details the policies and procedures we use to prevent transportation accidents by setting high standards for employee training and the selection and use of proper equipment and responsible carriers.
- TRANSCAER® also involves transportation emergency response plans in the event of a product spill or leakage during the transportation cycle and provides for our participation in related community awareness programs.
- Chemtrade also participates in The Chlorine Emergency Plan (CHLOREP), an industry–wide program designed to ensure a quick and effective response in the event of a chlorine emergency in Canada and the USA.
Employee Engagement, Diversity & Inclusion
Important to the success of any business, a highly engaged workforce has positive impacts on employee retention, productivity, and profitability. From recruitment, to onboarding, to training and development, the employee experience at Chemtrade is what continues to keep employees engaged.
Chemtrade Employee Experience:
- A Culture of Safety
- A Team-Based Environment
- A Sense of Belonging
- A Place for Individual Growth and Development
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Leaders – Make diversity and inclusion a personal priority, they role model inclusion, and are held accountable for actions and outcomes
People – Attracting, recruiting, retaining, and developing employees with diverse backgrounds and perspectives
Workplace – Through Policies, Procedures, and Programs, create a culture of diversity and inclusion
Community & Customers – Engaging with a diverse community of vendors and customers to build valued relationships

Learn more about our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy. (View here)
Our policy ensures that we have diverse and qualified pools of candidates for all roles, that we limit unconscious bias in promotion and succession planning, that we support our strategic priority of gender and racial diversity, and that inclusion is key to our success.
Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy addresses:
- Recruitment, selection and promotion
- Remuneration
- Career development and performance
- Talent reviews and succession planning
- Training
- Gender and racial diversity
- Inclusion
- Employee consultation
- Supplier diversity
Professional Development & Employee Engagement
To support our employees in their careers and professional development, Chemtrade offers a comprehensive library of self-led, e-learning content from our Chemtrade University Platform. We also offer a Chemtrade Leadership Development Program (CLDP) focused on building leadership skills for new, mid-career and experienced people managers.
As a measure of our success in offering employee opportunities, we track overall company retention rates and new employee retention rates (those with 6 months or less service). Exit interviews with departing employees are also used to learn as much as possible and guide our talent acquisition, onboarding, and development programs.
For more information on our employee retention rates, please refer to our 2023 Sustainability Report.
We are committed to providing a great workplace for all Chemtrade employees. Because the opinions and ideas of those who work here matter to us, we host an annual Employee Engagement Survey. Our goal is to create an inclusive and safe culture that supports a diverse, engaged, and dynamic workforce. The annual survey is an important tool helping us to understand our current culture and levels of employee engagement. By gathering feedback, we learn how we can continue to evolve and grow.
Community Outreach & Charitable Donations
Chemtrade is committed to being a good neighbour and maintains strong ties with the communities in which we work. As part of our Responsible Care® platform, we maintain strong community relationships at many levels. Safety, sustainability, preparedness, and support are all aspects of the commitment we make to our communities.
Responsible Care® provides a platform to work within our communities as a partner.
- We consider it a privilege to operate in the communities, cities and neighbourhoods in which we do business.
- We believe the key to community outreach is communication and the sharing of knowledge and information.
- We maintain an open dialogue with first responders and community planners.
- We look for opportunities to contribute to the quality of life in our communities.
- Our relationships go beyond the scope of our chemical business with the sharing of knowledge and resources.
- We share our learning and experience in sustainability for the greater good of our communities through active community advisory panels (CAPs) at many of our locations.
- We offer support to many local charitable organizations across the US, Canada and Brazil. In the US and Canada, we support the work of various United Way chapters as they seek solutions to local poverty and other issues. Chemtrade employees, across many locations, participate in fun and meaningful fundraising activities in support of their local chapters. In Brazil, Chemtrade is a sponsor of The Fishhook Project, which supports residents of an impoverished community, Barra do Riacho, by offering a location to come together for culture, camaraderie and good health.

G = Governance
Governance refers to the structures, processes and practices we have in place to oversee Chemtrade’s corporate strategy, risk management, environmental, and social practices. At Chemtrade, governance starts at the top, with the Board of Trustees and three Board Committees providing this oversight. The Code of Conduct sets the tone for behaviour expected of all Chemtrade employees. Read More
Corporate Governance Including ESG Oversight
- The Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing strategy, governance and risk, as well as the overall approach to ESG.
- The Audit Committee oversees major operational and financial risks, the systems implemented to monitor them, and the strategies and controls in place to manage them.
- The Governance and Nominating Committee oversees the functioning of our Board and its committees, is responsible for the identification of Board member candidates, and oversees the management of enterprise risks and our ESG framework.
- The Responsible Care Committee oversees our environmental, health, safety and security philosophy and policies, and monitors our performance in those areas.
- The Human Capital and Compensation Committee oversees our human capital management, by promoting an engaging working culture and ensuring succession plans are in place, and oversees our compensation policies, plans and programs.
Through our mandates, charters, policies, and related documents (shared below), we have developed a robust, strategic approach to our ESG commitments. This extends to our relationships with valued partners including employees, customers, suppliers, and investors.
Governance Documents and Information (PDFs)
Code of ConductBoard-Related Documents and Policies (PDFs)
Board Mandate & Committee Charters
Position Descriptions
Other Policies and Reports
Investor Policies and Constating Documents (PDFs)
Management of Legal and Regulatory Issues
As a member of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) and the American Chemistry Council (ACC), Chemtrade supports their efforts in advocacy to governments and key stakeholders.
Responsible Care® at Chemtrade
Founded in Canada, and now practiced in more than 70 countries, Responsible Care® forms the basis of our business philosophy towards continuous efforts in: process and product safety, security, community awareness, emergency preparedness, safe distribution, employee health & safety, and pollution prevention. Responsible Care® is “ Our commitment to sustainability”.

Responsible Care®: A Commitment to our Partners
Responsible Care® is the global chemical industry’s commitment to the safe management of chemicals throughout their life cycles, while promoting their roles in improving quality of life and contributing to sustainable development. Responsible Care® is a major component of the ESG strategy within Chemtrade.
Through this comprehensive initiative, Chemtrade is committed to continually reducing the environmental impact of our activities and improving the health & safety of our employees and the communities in which we operate.
As a member of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC), we support the association’s Responsible Care® ethic and its Codes of Practice. Chemtrade is also a member of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and adheres to its Responsible Care® codes and principles.
In order to translate the Responsible Care® philosophy into our day-to-day operations, Chemtrade has put in place policies, systems and tools, upon which it continues to expand and improve.
Guided by The Responsible Care® Codes of Practice for Operations, Stewardship and Accountability, in combination with our ESG principles, we have a consistent source of direction for the sustainable management of our facilities. We proudly promote the importance and benefits of Responsible Care® and the benefits associated with this membership.
We maintain a high level of sustainable business practices and excellence in operations with a company-wide commitment to our diverse & E.P.I.C values, inclusive & S.A.F.E culture, Responsible Care® principles, and the RC14001 management system of PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT.
Chemtrade has certified our corporate office and a number of our sites under the RC14001 initiative and annually ensures they adhere to the program requirements in accordance with the standard.
Quality at Chemtrade
Quality: A Commitment to Our Customers
Guided by our diverse and E.P.I.C. Values , the principles of quality within the organization are well-established in both our culture and operations. Attention to product quality, customer needs, adding value, safety, sustainability and more, are all parts of an overarching commitment to maintaining the highest levels of quality in every aspect of our business.
“Quality is never an accident. At Chemtrade, we strive to be the best supplier of chemical products and services by providing value that meets the needs and expectations of our customers and stakeholders.”
Scott Rook, President and Chief Executive Officer
Commitment to our customers is one of Chemtrade’s key values. As such, Chemtrade has been ISO 9001 certified since 1985 and now maintains more than fifty ISO 9001 certified locations. For more information on our products please click here.
Our attention to product quality, process, service and safety are all aspects of our customer-focussed approach.